Thursday, June 27, 2013

R.I.P.D 2013 English.DVD.Dual Audio Download Movie Torrent

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R.I.P.D. (2013)

Year: 2013
Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime
Director: Robert Schwentke
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Bacon, Jeff Bridges

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Recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers working for peace and blessings be upon him, and the department is trying to find the man who killed him.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Evil Dead 2013 Eng (DVD) [x264] Download Movie Torrent

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Evil Dead II (1987)

Year: 1987
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Sam Raimi
Starring: Bruce Campbell, Sarah Berry, Dan Hicks

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A young man named Ash takes his girlfriend Linda to a secluded cabin in the woods, where teachers play a tape recorded recitation of passages from the Book of the Dead. Spell sounds an evil force from the woods which turns Linda into a monstrous dead, and threatens to do the same to Ash. When teachers daughter and entourage show up at the cabin at night turns into a non-stop combat, comic grotesque chainsaw and shotgun on premiums, demon horde and flying eyeball on the other.

War Horse 2011 (English) DVDRip.XViD Download Movie Torrent

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War Horse (2011)

Year: 2011
Genre: Drama, War
Director: Steven Spielberg
Starring: Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson, David Thewlis

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Dartmoor, 1914: To his wife dismay Darracott farmer buys thoroughbred horse rather than a plow animal but when his teenage sons Albert train the horse and called Joey, the two are inseparable. When his harvest fails the farmer to sell Joey to the British cavalry and he is shipped to France where, after a disastrous offensive he is captured by the Germans and changes hands twice more before he is found, caught in the barbed wire in no mans land and released four years later. It's back inland back to the British lines where Albert, now a private, gas is temporarily blinded, but still recognizes his beloved Joey. However, as the Armistice declared Joey is set to be auctioned. After all they have been through will Albert and Joey return home together?

Role Models 2008 (English) [BluRay] (AC3) Download Movie Torrent

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Role Models (2008)

Year: 2008
Genre: Comedy
Director: David Wain
Starring: Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd, Christopher Mintz-Plasse

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Good rate 9 Bad rate 3

Danny and Wheeler, well into their 30's, a shortage: Danny feels stuck; HES back and put out girlfriend sansasyonèll servants. Wheeler chases any skirt he sees for empty sex. When they get in a fight with a tow truck driver, they choose community service over jail and are assigned to be big brothers and sisters - Danny Augie, a geek who loves participating in the reconstruction of the original Medieval Wheeler in society and Ronnie, a pint-size bad-mouth a kid. After starting a rock, things start to go well until both Danny and Wheeler did not make big mistakes. Can the two men figure out how to change enough to be models for boys?

Role Models 2008 English DVDRip.Dual Audio Download Movie Torrent

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Role Models (2008)

Year: 2008
Genre: Comedy
Director: David Wain
Starring: Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd, Christopher Mintz-Plasse

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Good rate 7 Bad rate 2

Danny and Wheeler, jócskána 30s, lack something: Danny feels stuck, acids and elűztéka hes awesome girlfriend. Wheeler chases any skirt he sees the empty sex. When you get to fight a tow truck driver, they choose community service over jail and are assigned to older brothers - Danny to Augie is a geek who likes to participate in a medieval recreation society weekend , and Wheeler to Ronnie, a mouth tiny child. After a rocky start, things start to go well until both Danny and Wheeler make big mistakes. Do both men how to change it to be role models for kids?

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Call 2013 (English) [DVD-R].Dual Audio Download Movie Torrent

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The Call (2013)

Year: 2013
Genre: Thriller
Director: Brad Anderson
Starring: Halle Berry, Abigail Breslin, Morris Chestnut

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Jordan Turner (Halle Berry) is an experienced operator 911, but when she makes a mistake in judgment and call ends badly rattled Jordan and are not sure whether it can be extended. But as a teenager Casey Welson (Abigail Breslin), kidnapped in the back of the car and truck is 911 And Jordan is called to use all his experience, ideas, and quick thinking to help Casey flight, not just to save Casey, but to ensure that the person held accountable.